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SWARTZ FOR SHERIFF ENDORSEMENT: Darlene Starr, Retired Director, Maple Lawn Medical Care Facilities

Thank you Darlene!

“I am pleased to endorse Robin Swartz for Branch County Sheriff. When considering a candidate best suited for our county sheriff, it is essential that the candidate be committed to improving our community.

They should be trustworthy, able to work well with people in a variety of situations, from varied backgrounds and of all ages. I believe Robin Swartz is that person.

Robin has proven leadership qualities, is a known problem solver, and is fair and respectful.

She has knowledge of the issues that are important and dedicated to the safety of the community. She seeks to understand a situation and works toward the best possible outcome to protect our residents.

During her years in law enforcement, she has shown that she has necessary qualifies, skills, and experience to be successful as our next Sheriff. I hope you will join me in voting Robin Swartz for Sheriff. Each and everyone of us in Branch County will benefit from her leadership, knowledge, community support, and commitment to public service.”

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